Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How quickly we forget...

When I started this blog I made a commitment that I would keep writing. That has been hard for me. I no longer have all the "free time" I did when I was in treatment. I certainly don't wish for it back, but my posts have become shorter and longer apart. I had a cancer checkup in February and everything was fine. Today I went in for a mammogram. This was as a follow-up to the mammogram I had in November. It was a quick trip today and I was able to get my pictures taken and reviewed almost immediately. Luckily things were "probably benign" so I don't have to go back in for another 6 months. Yippee for what it's worth.

I am also due for my next cat scan. I am actually a few days delinquent in scheduling it. I had contemplated having my mammogram and cat scan on the same day; but realized that you just shouldn't try to pack that much fun into a Wednesday.  There's another reason I let things slide a bit. I am writing this while sitting in a hospital with my aunt. She's not doing well. Not well at all. So I am going to spend the week worrying about her. I'll get to my CAT scan soon enough. And if you're really worried I promise I will call tomorrow and get the next available reasonable appointment.

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